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JANUARY 2024 U N C O R RE C T E D P R O O F N O T F OR S A L E APER WISHES nudson eautyman by Tara Knudson illustrated by Kirsti BeautymanUNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEby Tara Knudson illustrated by Kirsti Beautyman UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEFor Coco, Grandma Gwen, and all my loved ones near and far. —T.K. To Mum and Dad. Thank you for always supporting and believing in me. –K.B. Published by Capstone Editions, an imprint of Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato, Minnesota 56003 Text copyright © 2024 Tara Knudson Illustrations copyright © 2024 Kirsti Beautyman All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on the Library of Congress website. ISBN: 9781684466184 (hardcover) ISBN: 9781684466191 (ebook) Summary: A young boy who lives far away from his grandparents sends an origami heart to feel connected to them. Designed by Jaime Willems UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEUNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEI f I c o u ld , I ’ d f ly t o y o u . UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEI ’ d S O A R a b o v e t h e t r e e s . UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEIf I could , I ’ d sail to you. UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEI ’ d c r o s s t h e S T O R M Y s e a s . UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALENext >