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AUGUST 2023 Sense of Play Rau / Beqira j UNCORRECTED PROOF NOT FOR SALEUNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEUNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEPublished by Capstone Editions, an imprint of Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato, Minnesota 56003 Text copyright © 2023 Dana Meachen Rau Illustrations copyright © 2023 Doruntina Beqiraj All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is available on the Library of Congress website ISBN: 9781684466139 (hardcover) ISBN: 9781684466962 (ebook PDF) Designed by Nathan Gassman To Mom, Dad, and especially Derek, for providing a childhood that lives in me forever. —D.M.R. UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEThe house is a hush in early morning. Everyone’s asleep . . . UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALE . . . except Chip. “Wake up, Joy!” he calls through the wall. Knock! Knock! UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALE“I’m sleeping,” Joy mumbles. Chip smiles. “Not anymore!” UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEBreakfast tastes so much better when you make it yourself. Crunchy cereal out of the box. Grape juice pours too fast! UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALEGlug, Tinkle, tinkle . . . glug, glug . . . UNCORRECTED PROOF - NOT FOR RESALENext >