Made with FlowPaper - Flipbook Maker phone: 888.262.6135 • 8 NEW leveled readers • 388 precisely leveled authentic leveled readers (Levels A-V) • Oral Running Record for each book • Fiction and Nonfiction paired text, on the same topic and levels C-P • Multiple Purchasing Options K-5 GUIDED READING RESOURCE Shutterstock: Miljan Zivkovic, StockImageFactory, UfaBizPhoto2 • phone: 888.262.6135 Program Levels 1–30 1-23-56-89-1112-1516-1819-2021-2329-3024-2526-28 Engage Literacy Program Features: ➤ Highly engaging visual and humorous stories ➤ All titles precisely leveled to ensure student success ➤ Vocabulary systematically introduced and reinforced throughout all levels ➤ Fiction and Nonfiction pairs matched by theme and levels C-P ➤ Complete comprehension strategy instruction ➤ Digital components to support comprehension ➤ Comprehensive teacher support ➤ Assessment—formative and summative ➤ Benchmark Assessment Kit for matching students to book levels ➤ Shared Reading ➤ Recurring characters to support comprehension Engage your students in their literacy learning!3 • phone: 888.262.6135 FEATURES OF THE TEXTS The inside front cover has summarized information for teacher reference Text type Sample inferential questions Glossary introduced at Level 9 and above Procedural text Emphasis on text to promote intonation Links to matching fiction or nonfiction text book and digital poster, E-Books All nonfiction texts have a corresponding fiction text for levels 2 - 30 Words in italic featured in picture glossary their literacy learning!4 • phone: 888.262.6135 At the core of the Language Arts instruction for Engage Literacy are the Teacher’s Resources Notes. These resources provide a program and components overview as well as instructional support for each title in the Engage Literacy program. These comprehensive, easy to use teaching notes with blackline masters provide an instructional road map teachers can use to Engage their students in their language and literacy development. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN Each TRG provides an overview of How to use Engage Literacy in your classroom. This page outlines a possible literacy block model incorporating whole class and small group instruction and lesson review and assessment. Teacher’s Resource Notes The TRG provides 2 pages of Language Arts instruction for each title. The lessons are designed to provide the teacher with a content synopsis of each title including level and word count. Provides teachers of all comfort levels with Guided Reading: a scaffolded instructional plan for using the Gradual Release model for instruction. Additionally, there is explicit instructional support for every title in the program for teaching: • Comprehension • Phonological awareness/ Graphophonics • Vocabulary • Text Conventions • Writing • Fluency • English Language Learner supports Notes 5 • phone: 888.262.6135 ALTERNATIVE FORMAT FOR TEACHING NOTES Digital Teacher Notes now available for Distance Learning instruction. Access PDF's of these Teacher Notes, anywhere. Deliverable via email, stored on your server and one time purchase! See page 8 BLACKLINE MASTERS FOR EVERY TITLE There are 3 blackline masters for each title in the Engage Literacy program. These BLMs are used for assessing skills taught in the lesson and can be used for periodic/formative assessment. ORAL READING RECORD Engage Literacy provides an Oral Reading Record for each title. This assessment tool can help show progress and can also be used as summative assessment.6 • phone: 888.262.6135 WONDER WORDS 23 Authentic Stories for Teaching the First 100 Site Words! Wonder Words Classroom Collection 9781429695763 $909.55 Includes 138 books (6 copies of each 23 titles), and Wonder Words Teacher’s Resource Guide Wonder Words Classroom Library 978-1-4296-9575-6 $160.77 Includes 23 books (1 copy of each title) DEVELOPMENT LEVEL EMERGENTEARLY GRADE LEVELKindergarden Grade 1 GUIDED READING LEVEL ABCDEFGHIJK READING RECOVERY 123-47-89-1011-1213-1415-1617-18 COLOR BANDMagentaRedYellowBlueGreenOrangePurple FICTION1212178715126510551010 NONFICTION 1212178715126510551010 WONDER WORDS 23421231122 EN ESPAÑOL1616268816 READERS CHART7 • phone: 888.262.6135 TRANSITIONALFLUENT Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5 LMNOPQRSTUV 19-20 GoldSilverRubySapphireJadeAmethyst 105555882222222 105555882222222 BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT KIT Now teachers can have a more accurate assessment for leveling their students for Guided Reading lessons. This kit was designed to give teachers support and guidance while they match students to appropriate text for instruction. 978-1-4914-3206-8 • $350.00 Includes 40 books, and 1 copy each of 20 text cards, 1 Teachers Resource Guide CHART8 • phone: 888.262.6135 Grade K-5 Bookroom Package & Purchasing Option GRADE K-5 BOOKROOM Includes 388 leveled readers with GRLs A-V. This package contains 194 Fiction and 194 Nonfiction texts. 9781669084860 $18,172.60 $16,355.34 Classroom Library: 388 titles 9781669084853 • $2,964.10 KINDERGARTEN BOOKROOM Includes 114 leveled readers with GRLs A-D. This package contains 57 Fiction and 57 Nonfiction texts. 9781669084884 $4,823.26 $4,340.94 Classroom Library: 114 titles 9781669084877 • $796.86 GRADE 1 BOOKROOM Includes 124 leveled readers with GRLs E-I. This package contains 62 Fiction and 62 Nonfiction texts. 9781669084907 $5,324.56 $4,792.10 Classroom Library: 1 copy of each of 124 titles 9781669084891 • $866.76 GRADE 2 BOOKROOM Includes 80 leveled readers with GRLs J-M. This package contains 40 Fiction and 40 Nonfiction texts. 978-1-9771-6342-4 $2,955.20 $2,659.68 Classroom Library: 1 copy of each of 80 titles 978-1-9771-6343-1 • $479.209 • phone: 888.262.6135 & Purchasing Option GRADE 3 BOOKROOM Includes 52 leveled readers with GRLs N-P. This package contains 26 Fiction and 26 Nonfiction 978-1-6639-8303-9 $2,544.88 $2,321.36 Classroom Library: 1 copy of each of 52 titles 978-1-6639-8304-6 • $386.46 GRADE 4 BOOKROOM Includes 12 leveled readers with GRLs Q-S. This package contains 6 Fiction and 6 Nonfiction texts. 978-1-5435-1032-4 $623.28 $587.91 Classroom Library: 1 copy of each of 12 titles 978-1-5435-0938-0 • $101.88 GRADE 5 BOOKROOM Includes 16 leveled readers with GRLs S-V. This package contains 8 Fiction and 8 Nonfiction texts. 978-1-5435-1033-1 $904.03 $813.10 Classroom Library: 1 copy of each of 16 titles 978-1-5435-0940-3 • $143.84 ENGAGE LITERACY EN ESPAÑOL BOOKROOM Includes 90 leveled readers with GRLs A-E. (6 copies of each). Companion BLM for each title are included and shipped to you in a sturdy zip-close plastic bag. 9781543512533 $3,324.60 $2,992.14 Classroom Library: 90 titles 9781543512526 • $539.10 Each Bookroom includes a Oral Running Record and corresponding teaching note!Next >