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READ–ALOUDS by Jay Dale illustrated by Amanda GulliverLea’s Reading Adventure Fiction Word count: 209 Curriculum links: me/family, science Text type: narrative High-frequency words introduced: a, am, and, at, big, can, down, go, goes (academic), here, I, in, is, little, look, looks, me, my, see, the, this, to, too, up Note to teachers: • This book is meant to be read out loud. Reading aloud is one of the most important and effective ways an adult can help a child develop his or her language skills. By simply reading a book aloud as a child listens and reads along, an adult builds a deep connection with the child and demonstrates that reading is special and worth our time. Reading aloud is, on many levels, fundamental to a child’s intellectual growth and emotional health. • The text introduces children to the vocabulary included in the Engage Literacy student books Levels 1 to 3. • When reading Lea’s Reading Adventure to children, use more than just your voice. Use facial gestures and body movements as well. Experiment with exaggerated gestures and movements until you find the level of drama that elicits the best reaction from your audience. • Before reading the book tell children about a pleasant memory you have of looking for shooting stars or stargazing through a telescope. Encourage children to share whether or not they have ever done either of those things. • Incorporate gestures into the reading for the words up, down, zip, and zoom. • Touch each star as you count them. • Sing the song, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” with the students after reading the book. • Give the children the opportunity to draw stars, the earth, the moon, and a rocket. • Explain what the Man in the Moon is. • Show the approximate sizes of the earth and moon by using a basketball and a tennis ball. The relative distance between them would be approximately 24 feet (7 meters). • Visit NASA’s Kids Club for more information about space exploration, astronauts, and celestial objects. Engage Literacy is published by Capstone 1710 Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato, Minnesota 56003. © 2017 by Capstone. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Capstone, 1710 Roe Crest Drive, North Mankato, Minnesota 56003. Text copyright © Upload Publishing Pty Ltd 2017, Illustration copyright Capstone/Amanda Gulliver Editorial credits Erika L. Shores, editor; Cynthia Della-Rovere, designer; Tori Abraham, production specialist Printed in China. Lea’s Reading Adventure ISBN: 978-1-5157-3493-2 About the Author Jay Dale is an experienced elementary school teacher and children’s book author. She has written more than one hundred titles for children, including her work as lead author for Engage Literacy. Jay’s passion is providing children with beautifully illustrated and precisely leveled books so young readers can gain confidence and success. Acknowledgements Thank you to Mike Artell for his expertise in reviewing this book. Mike has written and illustrated more than forty books, including books about space, weather, and animals. Mike is also the author of Rock Your Read-alouds , a new resource for teachers and educators, from Capstone Professional. Every year Mike visits schools across the United States, Europe, and Asia, where he shares his innovative techniques for thinking, writing, and drawing more creatively. by Jay Dale illustrated by Amanda Gulliver Lea’s R eading A dventure S p a c e2 Here I am. I can look at this big book! S p a c e34 Look at the stars! I can see 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 stars!5 Twinkle! Twinkle!6 Look! Here is the moon, too. The moon is big .Next >